Terms of Service.

We're excited to have you on board and provide you with valuable resources to help you succeed on Airbnb. Please take a moment to review our members area policy.

All content, including written materials, spreadsheets, PDF checklists and tutorial videos, provided within the members area is the sole property of our company and is protected by intellectual property laws. You are not permitted to share, copy, or redistribute any content within the members area without our express written consent.

By accessing the members area, you agree to use the content solely for your own personal use and not to disclose, transfer, or distribute any content to any third party. You acknowledge that any unauthorized use of the content provided in the members area may result in legal action.

We also ask that you respect the privacy of other members and refrain from sharing any login or access information with third parties.

By using our referral code, you agree that we are not employed by Airbnb. We receive a referral bonus from Airbnb for successful bookings made with our code. We will refund you the subscription fee once we receive the referral bonus. This typically takes 4 weeks or less. We do not guarantee the quality of your Airbnb experience and are not liable for any issues. You agree to use our service at your own risk. By using our service, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to these terms.

Thank you for being a valued member of our community.